Thursday, September 1st
Warmup: 2 Rounds of:
1 minute reverse Assault bike shoulder cycle,
10 single arm kb press ( per side),
1 minute plank hold,
10 kb front raises
Skill: 3 Rounds of:
30 sec hanging hollow holds - 1 minute rest;
20 seconds of chin over bar holds - 1 minute rest,
30 max rep ring or bar rows - 1 minute rest
WOD: Teams of 2 Athletes: 4 Rounds of:
1 minute max reps pullups,
1 minute max rep Ring Pushups,
1 minute max rep Bent over Rows,
1 minute max rep dips,
1 minute max calorie ski erg,
1 minute rest
Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am
For Time: 10-12-14-16-18-20-22-24-22-20-18-16-14-12-10
Calorie on Assault bike with 30 second rest between sets