Tuesday, June 21st

Warmup: 6!

Medball clean + press,

Medball Russian Twist,

Calorie Bike


Strength: Shoulder Press 5x5


WOD: OTM x 15 Minutes:

Minute 1: 10/8 Calorie Bike,

Minute 2: 8 DB Renegade Row 50/35’s

Minute 3: 8 DB Shoulder to Overhead 50/35’s


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

Endurance:1x(50 burpees +run around the building),

2x (40 ab mat situps with + run around the building),

3x(30 pushups + run around the building),

4x(20 KBS 55/35# + run around the building)

Joe Kusnitz