Tuesday, June 14th

WarmUp: 10 Minutes of Handstand Practice


OT4M x 2:

300m row

6/side 1/2 kneeling single arm db press

12 alternating db bicep curls

OT4M x 2:

12/10 cal bike

6/side split stance db RDL

10/side single leg glute bridges

OT4M x 2:

300m row

8/side 1/2 kneeling single arm banded lat pulldowns

16 banded tricep push downs

OT4M x 2:

12/10 cal bike

8 db goblet kneel to standing

8 dual db sumo squat


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

Bounding Bliss :)

(All inside work)

Joe Kusnitz