Wednesday, December 28th

Warmup: 15 minutes of

Assault Bike x 1 minute

Plank Hold x 30 seconds

KBS x 10

Pushups x 6

Reverse Lunges x 12 (total steps)


WOD: 5 Rounds: ~30 Minute CAP
30/21 Calorie Row
1 Round of "DT"

Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets

Round 1: (135/95)
Round 2: (115/85)
Round 3: (105/75)
Round 4: (95/65)
Round 5: (75/55)

*Score = Time it takes to complete the workout

1 Round of “DT” = 12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans, 6 Push Jerks

Joe Kusnitz