Tuesday, August 31st
Midline Mix-up: 2 Rounds ~ Not for time
30 Heel Touches
15 Toe Touches
15 Supermans
Strength: OTM X 12 minutes
3 Shoulder Presses
WOD: For Time
1 Run around the building
40 KBS 55/35#
2 Runs around the building
30 KBS
3 Runs around the building
20 KBS
4 Runs around the building
10 KBS
Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am
1 Run around the building
40 KBS 55/35#
80 Double Unders
2 Runs around the building
30 KBS
60 Double Unders
3 Runs around the building
20 KBS
40 Double Unders
4 Runs around the building
10 KBS
20 Double Unders