Thursday, June 24th


Midline: “Ring of Fire”

2 Rounds of

20 Weighted Hip Extensions

20 Second Single Arm Plank Hold on rings (Each Arm)


Practice: Squat Snatch


Strength: 20 minutes of Squat Snatch Practice


WOD: Teams of 2 or 3 Athletes

2 Rounds for Max Reps

4 minutes Max Rep Clean & Jerk 95/65#

1 minute rest

4 minutes Max Rep Dumpster Dash Relay

1 minute rest

4 minutes Max Rep Burpees

1 minute rest

*Only 1 Athlete in motion


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

Teams of 2 Athletes ~ 3 Rounds for Reps

4 Minutes Max Calorie Bike

4 Minutes Max Dumpster Dashes

4 Minutes Max Burpees

*Only 1 athlete in motion

Joe Kusnitz