Thursday, February 25th
Athlete Warmup: Row, Run or Bike —> get the blood flowing
Midline Work: Hangman Hell
2 Rounds of
10 second Hanging L-Sit + 10 second Hanging Tuck Holds + 10 seconds Hanging L-sit Flutter kicks (Cannot come off bar between movements = 30 seconds of work)
GHD Hip Extension x 20
Practice: Single Legged Toe to Bar
Strength: Prowler Push + Sand Bag Carry
WOD: Teams of 2 Athletes
22 down by 2
Calorie Bike
DB Hang Clean & Jerks
DB Goblet Squats
DB Russian Twists
*Can only swap after completing the full number of reps
example: Athlete 1 must complete all of the calories on the bike before Athlete 2 begins and completes all of the hang clean and jerks
Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am
22 down by 2
Calorie Bike
DB Hang Clean & Jerks
DB Goblet Squats
DB Russian Twists