Friday, February 12th
Athlete Warmup: Row, Run or Bike —> get the blood flowing
Midline Work: Wall Sit Wallop
Wall Sit for 2 minutes
2 Rounds of
Wall Sit with alternating Dumbell Raises x 20 reps total (10 on each arm)
Wall Sit with alternating Dumbell Hammer Curls x 20 reps total (10 on each arm)
Wall ball Situps to the wall x 20
Practice: Bear Crawl
Strength: Bench Press 6!
WOD: OTM x 24 Minutes
Minute 1: Bar Facing Burpees x 8
Minute 2: Floor Presses x 8 @ 60% BW
Minute 3: Double Unders x 20
Minute 4: Lying Wipers w/press bar x 8