Thursday, February 11th

Athlete Warmup: Row, Run or Bike —> get the blood flowing


Midline Work: Wall Sit Wallop

Wall Sit for 2 minutes

2 Rounds of

Wall Sit with alternating Dumbell Raises x 20 reps total (10 on each arm)

Wall Sit with alternating Dumbell Hammer Curls x 20 reps total (10 on each arm)

Wall ball Situps to the wall x 20


Practice: Prowler Push


Strength: Squat Clean 6x2, 6x1


WOD: 18 Minute AMRAP ~ Teams of 2 Athletes

15/10 Calorie Assault Bike

12 Box Jumps and Over 24/20”

9 Hang Cleans 155/105#

*Athletes must alternate after each station & must perform all reps at that station


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

For Time

5K Run then

30 Clean & Jerks @ 60% BW

Joe Kusnitz