Thursday, December 30thg
Important Message: Effective Immediately -Masks are required when entering Elm City Fitness and must be worn the entire time while in the facility regardless of vaccination/booster status. Please help us keep our community safe and our business open! As always, if you have issues or questions - contact Joe at or 203-537-9282
25 Minute AMRAP ~ Teams of 2 Athletes
30 ABMat Sit-ups
300ft. Dumbbell Farmers Carry (35's/25’s)
Switch After Partner Completes:
600 Meter Run
*Athletes picks up where their partner stops on Sit Ups/Farmer's Carry
Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am
6 Rounds for Time
800 meter run
20 Pushups
30 AB Mat Situps
40 Double Unders