Saturday - Monday, January 23rd - 25th

Super Saturday


Five rounds for time of:
15 Deadlift 225/155
20 Box jumps, 24/20”
25 Pull-ups

In memory of U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Michael C. Roy



Sunday Funday @ 7 am ~ Everyone is welcome - even non members



Athlete Warmup: Row, Run or Bike —> get the blood flowing


Midline Work: Plank Magic

Plank Hold for Max Time (record you best time now and retest again next week)

2 Rounds of

Plank Scorpion x 20

Plank with Hip Dips x 20

KB Good Mornings x 20


Practice: Dumbell Overhead Walking Lunge


Strength: Back Squat 6x5


WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

400 Meter Run

10 Bar Muscle Ups

15 Front Squats 135/95#

Joe Kusnitz