Tuesday, August 18th

Lisa never shies away from the hard stuff!

Lisa never shies away from the hard stuff!

Warmup: 4 Rounds of

10 calorie row

10 pushups

10 situps

10 ring rows

10 stepups


Strength: Seated Shoulder Press (OLY bar or Dumbells) 3x8

*with 10 KB Single Arm Row after each set (each arm)


WOD: 2 Rounds of

3 Minute Max Rep Burpees

rest 2 minutes

2 Minutes Max Rep KBS 55/35#

rest 2 minutes

1 Minute Max Rep Double Unders

rest 2 minutes


Endurance: 4 Rounds for Time

500 meter row

800 meter run

30 Calorie Assault Bike

Joe Kusnitz