Saturday - Monday, August 15-17th

10 hours of manual labor is her warmup! Whats your Fit? #noexcuses!

10 hours of manual labor is her warmup! Whats your Fit? #noexcuses!

Super Saturday

“Chuck Heavy” For Time

1 Mile Row

100 Pushups

1 Mile Run

100 Thrusters 45/35#

1 Mile Row



Sunday Funday @ 7 am Everyone is welcome - even non members



Warmup: 4 Rounds of

10 calorie row

10 pushups

10 situps

10 ring rows

10 stepups


Strength: Zercher Squats 6x3

(taken from the floor)


WOD: 10! of

10 - meter sprints

Plate Burpees 45/25#

Russian Twist with plate 45/25#

Joe Kusnitz