Saturday - Monday, December 5th-7th

COVID-19 Message: If you are not feeling well or having any symptoms - Please do not come to the gym. Stay home and consult your primary care provider. If you test positive and have been at the gym - you must inform Joe, Eric or Bobby so we can participate in the appropriate COVID-19 protocol and response. Thank you so much for your trust and support!


Super Saturday

“Big Sexy”

5 Rounds for Time

6 Deadlifts 315/215#

6 Burpees

5 Cleans 225/155#

5 Chest to Bar Pullups

4 Thrusters 155/105#

4 Ring Muscle Ups

in memory of Sgt. Lance “Big Sexy” McLean



Sunday Funday @ 7 am —> Everyone is welcome - even non members



Athlete Warmup: Row, Run or Bike —> get the blood flowing


Midline Work: 2 Rounds of

Back Extension with KB x 15

GHD situps x 20


Practice: Hip Thrust


Strength: Kettlebell Front Rack Squat 5x12


WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

20 Double KB Lunges 55/35’s

20 Burpees

20 Knees to Elbows

Joe Kusnitz