Friday, May 10th ~ Flex Friday SON!

It’s FLEX FRIDAY! Come for some super sets and stay for some bubbly after the 5:30PM workout. All are welcome!

Warmup: 4 Rounds of

50 Double Unders or Single Unders

20 Over-Head walking lunges with OLY bar


Flex Friday

Buy-in: OTM x 6 minutes

6 - 10 Meter sprints


5 Rounds ~ not for Time

Behind the neck press x 8

Oly Bar Upright Rows x 8

Seated Lateral Dumbell Raise x 8

Bent over Dumbell flies x 8


3 Rounds ~ not for time

Single Arm Alternating Landmine Press x 12

Trap Bar Shoulder Shruggs x 12

Dips x 12

Joe KusnitzComment