Saturday - Monday, June 1st - 3rd
Sometimes you just have to lift a Jeep. Check out ECC’s debut Strongman Saturday at 9:00am!
Super Saturday
Warmup: Coaches Choice
WOD: 15 Rounds for Time
1 Rope Climb
2 Power Cleans 185/135#
3 GI Janes
*9:00 Strongman ~ Come see what all of the fun is all about
Sunday funday @ 7 am ~ Everyone is welcome -even non members
Open Gym @ 8 am
Warmup: 3 Rounds of
10 KBS
20 meter butt kicks
10 pushups
20 meter slide steps
10 ring rows
20 meter high knees
Super Set x 5 Rounds ~ not for Time
A - Shoulder Press x 6
B - Chest to Bar Pullups x 4
WOD: 10!
Sntaches @ 60% (athlete picks weight)
3x Double Unders