Saturday - Monday, April 20th - 22nd

Welcome to the weekend!


Warmup: Coaches Choice


WOD: For Time

3 Rounds for Time

30 Calorie Row

20 Power Cleans 135/95#

10 Front Squats 135/95#

rest 5 minutes

10 Rounds for Time

7 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95#

6 Toes to Bar

5 Chest to Bar or Bar MU’s


Sunday Funday @ 7 am ~ Everyone is welcome - even non members

Amnesty @ 8 & 9 am - pick a workout you may have missed during the week or pick your own!



Warmup: 4 rounds of

6 Ring Dips

7 Overhead walking lunges with OLY bar

8 Box Jumps



OTM x 12 minutes

3 Front Squats


WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

800 meter run

20 Box Jumps

30 Wallballs 20/14#

Joe KusnitzComment