Tuesday, December 24th
Holiday Schedule
Tuesday 12/24 - Normal Schedule until 430 pm —> Last Class @ 430 pm
Wednesday 12/25 - ONLY 1 Class @ 9 am
Thursday 12/26 Normal Schedule
Warmup: 8!
box Step ups
oly bar roll out
cal row
Snatch: 3x3, 3x2, 3x1
WOD: 3 minute max rep Snatch 135/95#
rest 3 mins
3 minutes max rep burpees
rest 3 minutes
3 minutes max rep deadlift 135/95#
Endurance: For Time
Bike 200 calories ~ top of each minute 2 box jump and overs
rest 1 minute
Row 200 calories ~ top of each minute 2 burpees over rower