Thursday, November 7th
Fitness ain’t just for looks (although these are some fine looking ECF ladies and gent right here)… it’s for doing things! Like climbing desert mountains, doing sports, playing with dogs! Don’t forget to have fun with your fit self every once in a while!
Warm up:
2 minutes of jumping rope (singles and doubles), then
3 rounds of:
5 inch worms with push up
10 box step ups
5 burpees
Buy in: 6 x 10 second hand stand holds, rest 20 seconds
35 wall balls for time
WOD: For max rounds + reps in teams of 3
20 min AMRAP
9 cal row
9 box jump overs 20"
9 Thrusters 95/65#
This workout is a relay style… partner 1 completes a round then partner 2… each partner must complete the full round before the other can begin
Sell out (optional): OTM for 8 minutes - 3-5 handstand push ups
Endurance: Same as class WOD