Saturday - Monday, November 16th-18th
Welcome to the weekend!
Super Saturday
WOD: 3 minutes to get a 3 Rep Max Hang Squat Clean
rest 3 minutes
21 minute AMRAP
21 Hang DB Squat Clean & Jerk 50/35’s
15 Box Jumps 24/20”
9 Burpees
3 Rope Climbs
Sunday Funday @ 7 am
Open Gym @ 8 am
Warmup: 4 Rounds of
1 Dumpster Dash
12 Ring Rows
12 Sit ups
12 Wall balls
Buy-In: Reverse Hypers 3x10
50 Burpees for Time
WOD: 8! ~ Not for Time
Back Squat
*Increasing Load!