Saturday - Monday, Sept 29th - Oct 1st
Warmup: Coaches Choice
WOD: For Time
1 mile run
50 pullups
800 meter run
50 kettlebell swings 55/35#
400 meter run
50 burpees
Rest 10 minutes then,
6 minute AMRAP of
3 HSPU’s
3 Ring Muscle Ups
Sunday Funday - 7 am ~ Everyone is welcome
Amnesty - 8 & 9 am ~ Pick a workout you may have missed or work on a skill
Warmup: 2 Rounds of
300 meter row
10 box jumps
20 lunges
10 med ball cleans
Strength: Seated Dumbell Press 4x12
WOD: On the 3 minute x 8 rounds of
5 Back Squat 135/95# ~ taken from the floor
10 Deadlift ~at the same weight
15 ab mat situps