Saturday - Monday, March 31st - April 2nd


Warmup: Coaches Choice


Super Saturday WOD:

For Time 

50 Wall Balls 20/14

400 meter run

20 Hang Clean 135/95#

30 Box Jumps and Over 24/20#

800 meter run

30 Box Jumps and Over

20 Hang Cleans

400 meter run

50 Wall Balls



Happy Easter! ~ Regular Scheduled Classes

Amnesty - Pick a workout you may have missed/ Make up your own / Work on a Skill 

**7 am Sunday Funday ~ Everyone welcome even non members



Warmup: 3 Rounds

10 KBS

10 Pushups

10  Pullups

10 Calorie Row


Buy-in: Tabata Double Unders


Strength: Seated Dumbell Press 4x8


WOD: 10! of

Power Cleans 155/105

*with 10 burpees after each set + dumpster dash


Rugby Conditioning: Row 100 Calories 

**At the top of each minute 3 Kettlebell Cleans + 3 Burpees over rower

***Start with row (try and accumulate as many calories as possible in the first minute :)

Joe KusnitzComment