Saturday - Monday, March 3rd - 5th


Warmup: Coaches Choice


Workout 18.2
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of:
Dumbbell squats
Bar-facing burpees

Men use 50-lb. dumbbells
Women use 35-lb. dumbbells

Workout 18.2a
1-rep-max clean

Time cap: 12 minutes to complete 18.2 and 18.2a



Amnesty - Pick a workout you may have missed or work on a skill

* 7 AM ~ Sunday Funday - All athletes welcome even nonmembers



Warmup: 10  minutes of

250 meter row

30 second pullup hold

10 wall balls

30 second Hand stand hold


Bench 6x3 - Increasing loads with 10 ring rows after each set


3 minute max calorie row

1 minute rest

2 min max rep single arm dumbell or kettlebell snatch

1 minute rest

1 minute max rep DU's

Rest 2 minutes and do it 2 more times ~ totaling 3 rounds 

Joe KusnitzComment