Monday, January 8th
Albert flying through the jump ropes!
Warm up: 2 min row then
2 rounds of
10 squat therapy w/ PVC
10 burpees
1 rope climb
Buy-in: Clean Complex - movement and positions more important than weight
Mid-shin to above-the-knee x 6
Mid-shin to clean pull x 6
Mid-shin to power clean x 6
Mid-shin to full clean x 6
Power jerk x 6
Split jerk x 6
Strength: Overhead squat 6x3
WOD: For time
15 hang cleans 95/65
15 wall balls 20/14
3 rope climbs
12 hang cleans
12 wall balls
2 rope climbs
9 hang cleans
9 wall balls
1 rope climb
12 hang cleans
12 wall balls
2 rope climbs
15 hang cleans
15 wall balls
3 rope climbs
Sell out:
Calorie row
Lateral jumps over the rower