Friday, September 8th

Buy your Jordan designed shirt today - click on the link below! 

Sebastian Strong – Dominate the Day

In March, Jordan Sebastian, Elm City CrossFit athlete and college football standout, 24, was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer, and he has undergone multiple treatments and surgeries in the months since. After years of him having his family, friends, community and teammates backs, now it is our responsibility to return the favor!

Elm City CrossFit will be presenting this Hero WOD honoring Jordan and his fight with Cancer!

All CrossFitters, friends and everyone is invited! Event is free but a donation is expected. 

Don’t want to workout? That’s fine too. Community members, family and friends will be on hand selling shirts, raffle prizes and showing our support for Jordan.

All of the proceeds go to the Sebastian family.

Tee shirts can be purchased as part of your donation for $25 and can be picked up at Elm City CrossFit or at your Box!

Buy your tee shirt today or make a donation on the following link:

"Sebastian Strong"

3 Rounds of:

1 Minute Max Rep Burpees

1 Minute Max Rep Hang Cleans 75/45#

1 Minute Max Rep Box Jumps 20/16"

1 Minute Max Rep Jerks 75/45#

1 Minute Max Calorie Row

1 Minute Rest

*Score = Total number of reps completed!



Warmup: 4 Rounds of

10 wall balls

10 box step ups

10 jumping jacks

1 dumpster dash


Bodybuilding Buy-in (flex Friday)

3x Each super set (each couplet should be done back to back with no rest between each movement - only rest between each round)

SuperSet#1: 8 seated dumbbell presses + 8 standing dumbbell high pulls (can use different weights)

SuperSet#2: 8 overhead tricep extension + 8 banded facepulls

SuperSet#3: 8 oly bar bent over rows + 8 standing oly bar curls


WOD: For Time

10! of

Calorie Row

Deadlift 275/155#

Joe KusnitzComment