Thursday, September 14th

Support the Sebastian Family - Buy your tee shirt with the link below!


Sunday, Septemer 17th 8 am - 1 pm Everyone is welcome and encouraged to buy a tee shirt with all of the proceeds going to the Sebastian family.

In March, Jordan Sebastian, Elm City CrossFit athlete and college football standout, 24, was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer, and he has undergone multiple treatments and surgeries in the months since. After years of him having his family, friends, community and teammates backs, now it is our responsibility to return the favor!

Elm City CrossFit will be presenting this Hero WOD honoring Jordan and his fight with Cancer!

All CrossFitters, friends and everyone is invited! Event is free but a donation is expected. 

Don’t want to workout? That’s fine too. Community members, family and friends will be on hand selling shirts, raffle prizes and showing our support for Jordan.

All of the proceeds go to the Sebastian family.

Tee shirts can be purchased as part of your donation for $25 and can be picked up at Elm City CrossFit or at your Box!

Buy your tee shirt today or make a donation on the following link:


Warmup: 4 Rounds of

10 PVC Pass-throughts

20 Banded Pull Aparts

30 Mountain Climbers

40 Jump Ropes


Strength: Box Squats 6x3


WOD: 4x 4 Minute AMRAP

3 Chest to Bar Pullups

3 Power Cleans 155/95#

3 HSPU's

* with 2 minute rest between each set

* Pickup where you leave off each round

* Score equals total number of rounds


Endurance: Meet at YMCA @ 6 am

AMRAP 30 minutes for distance - limit your rest 

Joe KusnitzComment