Saturday - Monday, Aug 19-21st
Good Luck to our young but very strong Elm City Underground athlete Emma as she competes this weekend in Massachusetts! We will be PULLING for you girl....
Warmup: Coaches Choice
WOD: 22 Minute AMRAP ~ can be done Solo or as a team of 2 athletes
10 HSPU's
20 Pullups
30 Over-head lung steps 45/35#
Amnesty - Pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill
Warmup: 10 minutes of
10 calories on rower
10 wall balls
10 step-ups with wall ball
10 pushups
Buy-in: 10 minutes practicing Hand Stand Walks
Strength: Back Squat 10-8-6-4-2 ~ Increasing Loads
OTMx20 minutes of
ODD minutes: 10 box jumps 30/24"
Even minutes: 5 burpee toes to bar