Tuesday, April 11th

Warmup: 4 Rounds of

10 meter banded monster walks

10 double kettlebell push presses

10 Russian twists with medicine ball

10 Hip extensions


Buy-in: 3 minute AMRAP

5 -wall balls

5 -box jumps

5 -kettlebell sumo high pulls


Strength: One and a Half Front Squats 3x10 @ 50% BW


WOD: For Time

50 Double Unders

40 KBS 55/35#

30 Pullups

20 Alternating Single Arm Kettlebell Snatches 55/35#

10 HSPU's


Endurance: meet at Elm City CrossFit at 6 am

30 Min AMRAP:

Run to Road

Med Ball Suicides

20 DU's

Joe KusnitzComment