Thursday, Feburary 2nd

Warmup: 8! of

slam balls

medball cleans

weighted ab mat situps

calorie row


Buy-in: 30 Thrusters for time 95/65#


Strength: Front Squat 8x3

*with 8 Bulgarian Split Squats after each set (4 on each leg)


WOD: 3x3 Min AMRAP with 3 minute rest between each AMRAP

3 Thrusters 135/95#

6 Front Rack Lunges 135/95#

9 Box Jumps 24/20"


Sellout: "Annie"

50-40-30-20-10 of

Double Unders 

Ab mat Situps


Endurance: meet at YMCA Pool @ 6 am for Pool Workout

Warmup - on your own!

4x200, 3x100, 2x400, 1x500 ~ rest as needed

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