Tuesday, December 12th
Warmup: 8 minutes of
8 Box step-ups
8 OLY bar good mornings
8 Oly bar bent over rows
8 jumping jacks
Buy-in: complete the following clean complex
Mid-shin to high hang x 6
Mid-shin to clean pull x 6
Mid-shin to power clean x 6
Power Jerks x 6
Split Jerk x 6
Strength: Clean & Jerk 1x5, 3x3, 3x1
WOD: 6 Rounds of:
30 Second max rep med ball slams
30 Second rest
30 Second max rep Med ball jumping lunges
30 Seconds rest
30 Seconds Max Rep toes to wall
30 Seconds rest rest
30 Seconds Max Rep Pushups
30 Seconds rest
Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am
5 Rounds of
500 meter row
20 burpees
30 double unders