Wednesday, October 18th


75 DU's

15 Air Squats 

50 DU's

10 Air Squats 

25 DU's

5 Air Squats 


Buy-in: 4x12 Ring Pushups


Strength: Hang Squat Clean:

1x5, 1x3, 1x2, 3x1 ~ End with max load


WOD: 20 minute AMRAP ~ Teams of 2

2 Burpees

4 Situps

6 Jumping Lunges 

200 meter run

~Increase by 2 reps each round **ONLY 1 athlete in motion at a time ***Both Athletes Run

(Example: Round 2)

4 Burpees

6 Situps

8 Jumping Lunges

200 meter run



Joe KusnitzComment