Tuesday, Sept 13th
Tiago and April the original Elm City CrossFit Couple ~ 2009
Inevitably in every family, at some point in time, you need to let go. As you continue on your adventure together we at Elm City City CrossFit wish you all the best. We are letting you go, but you will always have a home here as one of the original founding members. May you never forget your roots and rest assured you will be truly missed.
Warmup: 4 Rounds of
10 Medball Push Presses
10 Medball Russian Twists
10 Medball Front Squats
Strength: DeadLift 5! ~ Increasing Loads
"April & Tiago"
WOD: 10 Minute AMRAP
1 Box Jump 24/20"
1 Deadlift 225/135#
2 Box Jumps
2 Deadlifts
3 Box Jumps
3 Deadlifts... Increase by 1 Rep each round until time is called
Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am
Row 5K