Saturday - Monday, July 2-4th
ONLY 1 Class on Monday @ 9 am ~ JULY 4Th
Warmup: Coaches Choice
Congrats! Megan and Brian
We are celebrating the marriage of two of our long time friends, athletes and coaches. Megan and Brian will be getting married on Sunday so we have cooked up a nice little WOD in their honor! Brian has promised to be at the gym on Saturday morning at 9 am to participate in the honorary workout. Please come show your support for the soon-to-be perfect Elm City CrossFit couple ~ Megan and Brian Lee! Everyone is welcome......
WOD: Megan & Brian
15 min AMRAP
B - 2 Rope Climbs
R - 18 DU's
I - 9 Power Cleans 135/95#
A - 1x400 meter run
N - 14 Box jumps 30/24"
Rest 10 minutes
10 Min AMRAP
M - 13 KBS 70/55#
E - 5 Pullups
G - 7 Deadlifts 225/135#
A - 1x200 meter row
N - 14 situps
Amnesty - Pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill
*7 am Sunday Funday Fun! Everyone is welcome
Only 1 class at 9 am
Happy 4th of July Everyone!