Wednesday, June 15th
Warmup: 12 minutes
10 kbs
20 meter bear crawl
30 second plank hold
40 jumping jacks
Buy-in: 3x10 GHD Situps
Strength: Deadlift 3x10 ~ Unbroken
WOD: "GAB" ~ This workout is to honor one of our very own. We are very sad to see Gab go but we are excited for her new start in New York. Your work ethic, focus and strength is symbolic of our community and spirit that lives at Elm City CrossFit. You will forever be in our thoughts and part of our family. We would like to wish you good luck and hope that if you are ever in the area, please do not hesitate in dropping in to see your Elm City family.
For Time:
800 meter run
30 wall balls 20/14#
20 Clean & Jerks 135/95#
10 box jumps 30/24"
15 Pullups
400 meter run
20 wall balls
10 clean & jerks
5 box jumps
30 pullups