Wednesday, April 27th

Please help support our friends in Shelton with the 4th Annual Pedal for PCRC. There will be many CrossFit Boxes participating in this event. Many ride distances to chose from. Click on the link at the top of the page for registration.

Please help support our friends in Shelton with the 4th Annual Pedal for PCRC. There will be many CrossFit Boxes participating in this event. Many ride distances to chose from. Click on the link at the top of the page for registration.

Warmup: 4 Rounds of

1 Run around the building

2 Forward Rolls

3 HSPU's

4 Pullups

5 GHD Situps


WOD: 7 Rounds for Time

2 Rope Climbs

4 Deadlifts 315/185#

6 Ring Dips


Strength: Front Squat 3x10

*with 10 Seated Medball Leg Extensions after each set

Joe KusnitzComment