Saturday, April 2nd - Monday, April 4th


Warmup: Coaches Choice


In honor of Navy Chief Petty Officer Mark Carter, 27, of Virginia Beach, VA who was killed in Iraq 11 December 2007.

In honor of Navy Chief Petty Officer Mark Carter, 27, of Virginia Beach, VA who was killed in Iraq 11 December 2007.

WOD: "Badger"

3 Rounds for Time

30 Squat Cleans 95/65#

30 Pullups

800 meter run



Amnesty - Pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill

*7 am Sunday Funday Crew ~ Everyone is Welcome to come and join the fun!



Warmup: 3 Rounds of

200 meter row

15 OHS

10 KBS

20 Ab Mat situps


Buy-in: 15 minutes of shoulder mobility ~ coaches choice


Strength: Seated OLY bar Shoulder Press 6x3


WOD: For Time

30-20-10 of

Hang Clean 95/65#


*with 2 rope climbs after each set


Joe KusnitzComment