Wednesday, March 23rd

Joe Ryan is not one to brag but he is one of the hardest working athletes and likeable guys I have ever been about to be around. Thanks for letting us be a part of your journey!From Joe Ryan: "Between August 2010 and August 2011, I lost a lot of wei…

Joe Ryan is not one to brag but he is one of the hardest working athletes and likeable guys I have ever been about to be around. Thanks for letting us be a part of your journey!

From Joe Ryan: "Between August 2010 and August 2011, I lost a lot of weight. 152lbs in 365 days. Unfortunately, dieting and cardio without building strength, ate away at my muscle mass and left me susceptible to gaining it all back. Oh boy, did I. In 2014-2015, we got married, had a terrible house fire, I started a new job and we had Quinn. It was a VERY busy time and eating healthy wasn't a priority. I felt like I blinked and the weight was back. After seeing a terrible picture of myself online (top left) just over a year ago, I knew that I had to do something. But I had to do it right. I had to eat real food, not protein shakes and meal replacement bars. I had to prep meals, not special order something at a restaurant every day. No shortcuts. 6 months in, I felt good and decided to go back to Elm City CrossFit where I worked out for about 6 weeks before the fire and never really got back into it. It was exactly what I needed. Today marks a year since I stepped on the scale and I didn't get near 152lbs but that's okay. I ended up between 115-120 down. I'm much stronger and healthier than at anytime during that stretch a few years back. It's still a work in progress but doing things the right way feels better, rather than just taking shortcuts to hit a number on the scale. The pictures go chronologically from the top left (that dreaded picture) to tonight at the gym on the bottom right."

Warmup: 30-20-10 of

Med Ball Cleans

Double Unders


Strength: Push Press 6x3 <Moderate Weight>


WOD: OTMx20 Minutes of

Odd Minutes: 4 Power Snatches 135/95#

Even Minutes: 7 Toes to Bar


Sellout: 21-15-9 of

Calories on Rower

Burpees over the Rower

Joe Kusnitz1 Comment