Wednesday, March 2nd

Coach Jessa came out to watch Coach Eric compete in his Power Lifting meet! Great to see you are still a part of our community!

Coach Jessa came out to watch Coach Eric compete in his Power Lifting meet! Great to see you are still a part of our community!

Warmup: 12 minutes of

1 Dumpster Dash

5 tire jumps

10 GHD Hip Extensions

1 Tire flip


Buy-in: 90 Seconds max rep DU's


Strength: Squat Clean & Jerk 20x1 ~ Not for time


WOD: "Helen" 

3 Rounds for time:

400 meter run

21 KBS 55/35#

12 Pullups


Sellout: Tabata Row x 2 with 5 minute rest between each set

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