Tuesday, December 20th

Warmup: 10  minutes of

300 meter row

15 OLY bar OHS

5 HSPU's 


Buy-in: Push Press 5x4 - As Heavy as Possible


Strength: 15 minutes to establish a heavy Clean & Jerk


WOD: 5 Rounds for time:

6 Clean & Jerks @ 65% of Working weight

6 Back Squats @ same weight

Run around the building


Sellout (Optional): 3 Rounds for time

5 Strict HSPU's

20 KBS 55/35#

5 T2B

20 Situps


Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am

30 minute AMRAP

5 Pullups

10 Push ups

15 KBS

Run around the building

Joe KusnitzComment