Thursday, July 23rd - Sunday, July 26th


Warmup: 10 mins of

2 tire flips

1 dumpster dash

3 bench presses


Front Squat 4x8 ~ Moderate Weight


For time: 10!

Power Cleans 155/95#

Ring Dips

with 1 Rope Climb after each set


Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am ~ Coach Kimmie

20 minute bike ride then,

10x100 meter sprints



Warmup: 4 Rounds of

3 forward rolls

15 wall balls

3 wall walks

15 box jumps


8x Prowler Push ~ Heavy (self-regulated rest)


5 Rounds of:

Row 500 meters

12 shoulder to Overhead 115/75#

12 Toes to Bar

- Rest 3 minutes between rounds



Community Throwdown at CrossFti Gilded in Woodbridge

******Attention! Summer Series Throwdown with CrossFit Gilded continues this Saturday at CrossFit Gilded in Woodbridge! Action begins at 930 am. Everyone is encouraged to particiapte - even if you missed the last event. Food and drinks to follow! Bring your favorite food or drink and come support our CrossFit Community! 

Elm City CrossFit will still be open at 8 am on Saturday for Open Gym



Amnesty - Pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill
