Monday, June 29th - Wednesday, July 1st
Special Attention! We will be hosting CrossFit Gilded this Saturday for a friendly Throwdown. This Super Saturday will go down at 930 am with cook out to follow. Plan your Forth of July now with a friendly In-House competition. Bring a friend, your favorite food or drink and a water bottle. Come see our great communities in action this Saturday. Everyone is welcome! No Pressure - Friendly Throwdown!
Warmup: 5 Rounds
10 air squats
10 kbs
10 pullups
3 Rounds for Time:
30 Wall balls 20/14#
30 Pushups
800 Meter Run
Push Press: 3x8 ~ Moderate weight
3 minutes roll out
30 seconds back extentions
4 minutes of Turkish Get ups
30 seconds HS Holds
4x3 minute AMRAP's with 2 minutes rest between each round
10 KBS 70/55#
10 Box Jumps and Overs
3x8 OHS ~ Moderate weight
Endurace: Meet at ECC @ 6 am ~ Coach Joe
24! in multiples of 2's
Double Unders
400 meter run after each round
**Scale as needed
Warmup: 10!
OLY bar rollouts
Clean Grip sots press
Standing twists with bumper plate
20 Min AMRAP
3 Bar Muscle Ups
6 HSPU's
9 T2B
OTMx8 minutes
3 - Back Sqauats @ BW