Tuesday, June 23rd - Thursday, June 25th
Warmup: 4 Rounds of
8 med ball sumo squats
8 med ball sumo deadlifts
8 jump over med ball
3 Rounds for time:
Run Around the Building
21 box jumps 24/20"
12 Deadlifts @ BW
Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am ~ Coach Joe
Prowler Mile
Warmup: 3 Rounds of
20 banded pull downs (with band)
10 pullups
20 air squats
10 pushups
Back Squat 10! with 200 meter row immediately after each set
*weights are taken from the floor
*each set must be done unbroken
*athletes should try and increase load each round
*workout is not for time!
Warmup: 8!
GHD Situps
seated dumbell presses
For Time - Half Linda or 5! of
1.5xBW Deadlift
1xBW Bench
.75xBW Clean
*This should be a sprint and is capped at 6 mins
~10 minute Rest
For Time: 10!
Wall ball 20/14#
2xDouble Unders
Endurance: Meet at Eli Whitney Museum (915 Whitney Ave, Hamden) @ 6 am ~ Coach Kimmie
Group jogs to the base of Armory St
Run: 4,5 pr 6x Armory Hill
Odd Intervals - recover with a walk or jog back to bottom
Even Intervals - Sprint back to start and rest for 3 minutes