Monday, June 1st - Wednesday, June 3rd


Warmup: 5 rounds of

1 dumpster dash

2 forward rolls

3 HSPU's

4 Kettle bell deadlifts

5 Kettle bell goblet squats


For Reps - 4 minutes at each station

Wall balls 20/14#

Rope Climbs

Box Jumps 24/20"

Deadlift 135/95#

10 meter shuttle with wall ball 20/14#




3 minutes on roller

1 minute Double Unders

3 minutes squat therapy

1 minute row


for time:

5 Rounds of Cindy

20 Squat Cleans 155/95#

5 Rounds of Cindy


Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am ~ coach Joe

Row 1 mile, Run 2 miles, Row 1 mile



Warmup: 3 rounds

10 ring pushups

10 ring rows

10 Ghd situps


For Time:

50 KBS 55/35#

50 Box Jumps 24/20"

5x dumpster Dash

40 KBS

40 Box Jumps

4x dumpster dash

30 KBS

30 Box Jumps

3x dumpster dash

20 KBS

20 Box Jumps

2x dumpster dash

10 KBS

10 Box Jumps

1x dumpster dash

