Friday, May 29th - Sunday, May 31st


Warmup: 3 rounds of

20 jumping pullups

10 burpees

10 wall balls

2 forward rolls




Double Unders

Ab mat Situps


Super Saturdays! We are bringing back an Elm City CrossFit Classic - Super Saturdays

*Each Saturday we will be turing up the heat as we present a new and tough workout challenge!

*Each workout will require exteme focus and determination + and will kick your weekend off right!

*Class times will remain the same but we want the main event to kickoff every Saturday morning at 9


Warmup: 10 mins of

30 second bar hang

3 HSPU's

6 power snatches

200 meter row

12 ring pushups


2 Rounds for time:

1000 meter row

50 Thursters 45/35#

30 Pullups

Rest 10 minutes

20 Snatches for time 165/95#



Amnesty - pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill
