Tuesday, April 14th - Thursday, April 16th


Warmup: 10 minutes of

1 Dumpster dash

2 forward rolls

3 HSPU's

4 GHD Hip Extentions


1.5's Front Squats 8x6 @ 1/2 BW

-with 8 weighted stepups after each set


For Time: 3 Rounds of

800 meter run

5 T2B

10 Ring Pushups or deficit Pushups


Endurance: Meet at ECC @ 6 am

30 Minute AMRAP:

Run to Road, Medball Suisides, 12 DU's



Warmup 4 Rounds of

200 meter row

5 Deadlifts

5 Box Jumps

20 Second Hang


OTMx16 -

Odd minutes: 20 seconds max rep power cleans @ 115/65#

Even Minutes: 20 Seconds Max rep DU's


Deadlift 3x10 @ BW - Unbroken


Thursday - "Komli"

*Dr. Komli is leaving us and moving to Baltimore! In a little over a year - he has become a fixture in our community and our gym with his work eithic and  friendly smile. We will miss you! Just want you to know that we have named this workout in your honor in hopes that you will return to ECC to play with us in the future. From all of us at ECC - Good Luck Komli!


Warmup: 10 minutes to establish a max height box jump


"Komli" 6 Rounds for time

5 Power Snatches 135/95#

10 Box Jumps 30/24"

400 Meter Run

15 Wall Balls 20/14#

20 Burpees


Endurance: TBD ~ Coach Kimmie


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