Monday, December 7th

Congratulations to Coach Eric for his first USA PowerlIfting competition in Boston! Not only did Eric finish second in his division, he also PR'ed his back squat and deadlift. Way to represent Elm City and Elm City Underground

Congratulations to Coach Eric for his first USA PowerlIfting competition in Boston! Not only did Eric finish second in his division, he also PR'ed his back squat and deadlift. Way to represent Elm City and Elm City Underground

Warmup: 2 Rounds of

300 meter row

10 box jumps

10 med ball cleans


Buy-in: 2x1 min max rep wall balls 30/20# with 1 minute rest between each set


Strength: Seated Dumbell Press 4x12 - Athlete picks weight


WOD: On the 3 minute x 8 Rounds of

5 Back Squats 135/95# ~ taken from the floor

10 Deadlifts 135/95#

15 Ab mat situps

Joe KusnitzComment