Saturday and Sunday, January 2nd & 3rd
Warmup: 3 Rounds
10 hollow into superman
10 kbs
10 reverse hypers
1 dumpster dash
In honor of one of our own who we have seen grow and now graduate into a beautiful young lady! Moving to Cali and you will be dearly missed at Elm City CrossFit. We wish you nothing but great luck and huge success!
WOD: "Gaby"
7 Rounds for time:
2 Rope Climbs
4 Hang Cleans 185/135#
20 Double Unders
Cash-out: 4x4 min AMRAP
5 Chest to bar pullups
5 Power Sntaches 135/95#
5 HSPU's
Rest 2 minutes between each round
Amnesty - Pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill