Saturday and Sunday, January 2nd & 3rd


Warmup: 3 Rounds

10 hollow into superman

10 kbs

10 reverse hypers

1 dumpster dash


In honor of one of our own who we have seen grow and now graduate into a beautiful young lady! Moving to Cali and you will be dearly missed at Elm City CrossFit. We wish you nothing but great luck and huge success!

In honor of one of our own who we have seen grow and now graduate into a beautiful young lady! Moving to Cali and you will be dearly missed at Elm City CrossFit. We wish you nothing but great luck and huge success!

WOD: "Gaby" 

7 Rounds for time:

2 Rope Climbs

4 Hang Cleans 185/135#

20 Double Unders


Cash-out: 4x4 min AMRAP

5 Chest to bar pullups

5 Power Sntaches 135/95#

5 HSPU's

Rest 2 minutes between each round



Amnesty - Pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill


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