Monday, November 23rd
What an amazing turnout - Over $500 was raised for this wonderful cause. Thanks to everyone who contributed and participated.
Just in case you missed all the food and fun from Saturday with Coach Gina and Barbells for Boobs - Don't worry you can still contribute at the following link:
Holiday Schedule for Thanksgiving Week
Regular Class Schedule: Monday - Wednesday
Thursday - ONLY 1 Class @ 9:30 am
Friday - ONLY 1 Class @ 9:30 am
Saturday & Sunday: Regular Schedule
Warmup: 10 minutes of
1 dumpster dash
10 KBS
50 meter bear crawl
10 burpees
Buy-in: 1 min Max Rep Thrusters 95/65#
Strength: Snatch Grip Deadlifts 6! ~ Increasing Load
WOD: 10 min AMRAP
15 cal row
5 deadlifts 225/135#
15 cal row
10 deadlifts
15 cal row
15 deadlifts.... Until time is called