Tuesday, October 27th

Open 13.5 - The quiet before the storm! "the worst workout ever invented" ~ Coach Mark

Open 13.5 - The quiet before the storm! "the worst workout ever invented" ~ Coach Mark

Warmup: 3 Rounds of

300 meter row

8 frog jumps


8 GHD Situps


Buy-in: Max rep wall balls in 65 seconds 20/14#


Strength: Cleans 5-4-3-2-1-1-1 ~ Increasing Load


WOD: OTMx 20  minutes

Odd minutes: 2 Power Cleans 135/95# + 5 burpees over bar

Even minutes: 6 Back Squats 135/95# ~ taken from the floor


Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am

20x (40 seconds row + 20 seconds rest + 40 second run + 20 seconds rest)

Joe KusnitzComment