Tuesday, July 8th - Thursday, July 10th
On the 2 minute x 6 Rounds: 10 Speed Back Squats @ 1/3 BW
3 minute rest
1 minute max rep wall balls 30/20#
3 minute rest
On the 2 minute x 3 Rounds: 10 Speed Dead Lifts @ 1/2 BW
1 minute rest
1 minute max rep wall balls 30/20#
*5 burpee penality for every wallball athlete is off +/-
Endurance: @ ECC at 6 am
20! Pushups, Ab Mat Situps, Air Squats with Dumpster Dash between each set
Buy-in: 4x12 Ring Pushups
Strength: 8x3 Push press - increasing weight
Thrusters 95/65#
Bar over Burpees
Team Thursday - 15 min AMRAP
Athlete #1 - runs 400 meter
Athlete #2 - Snatches 75/45# - max reps until partner returns, where partners must switch
Score = total snatch reps
Endurance: TBD